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Bajra Sandhi |
Bali Denpasar Museum ~ 登巴薩 - 博物館位於在Denpasar,是荷蘭人於1910年建造的官方機構,主管峇里島工藝品出口貿易,這項生意進行了7年,整幢建築就被地震夷平,直到三○年代初,藝術家Walter Spies讓它再度復活。這 座博物館光看建築就值回票價,擷取皇宮之美是它自傲的特色,各座亭閣各自模擬不同的宮殿,風格各異卻又和諧融洽,豐盛的藏品也分門別類,各安其所。靠近入 口的主廳,內藏史前古物及峇里島傳統工藝品,千萬年前的青銅工具和峇里的蟋蟀籠共處一室,相映成趣。仿Tabanan宮的北廳羅列著各種舞蹈面具及服飾,仿 Karangasem宮的中堂則有著宗教祭祀相關的器物,仿Buleleng宮的南廳藏著峇里島著名的織品。立於前庭的鼓樓開放攀登,樓頂視野不錯。
Werdhi Budaya Art Center ~ 登巴薩 - 藝術中心位於市區東邊,它主要的功能是提供巴里島藝文表演的舞台,平日不定期的展覽。它最驕傲的日子是每年6月中到7月中 舉辦的藝術節,主辦單位會邀請國外藝術團體蒞臨切磋,台灣的舞獅團也曾來此共襄盛舉過。
The monument of Bajra Sandhi at Renon ~ 登巴薩 - 紀念塔 位於在Denpasar,當初是為了要紀念峇里島脫離了荷蘭人的統治而設立的。他們非常感念這些為戰爭而犧牲的壯士們,因為當初如果沒有他們,就沒有現在祥和浪漫的藝術之島,具有相當的歷史價值。
Bali Denpasar Museum ~ 登巴薩 - 博物館
This museum is situated in the east part of the Puputan Badung square. It was built in 1932 by the Dutch Government which presents all Balinese arts from prehistoric until the early 20th century item from the Neolithic age, sarcophagus from the metal age, bronze from the golden age of Hindu and Buddhist kingdom, religious Hindu items, until woodcarving from this modern day.
Werdhi Budaya Art Center ~ 登巴薩 - 藝術中心
Werdhi Budaya, Art Center. In the village of Abian Kapas (means cotton field) is situated the Bali Art Center named Werdi Budaya in which a permanent exhibition of modern Balinese painting and wood carving may be seen. Each year the Pesta Kesenian Bali - the Balinese Art Festival is held regularly here in the month of July and August. There is a large open stage to perform drama or music. Another small open stage is always used to perform the Kechak Dance or the other traditional dramas.Visit the Palace of Pemecutan
The monument of Bajra Sandhi at Renon ~ 登巴薩 - 紀念塔
Bali's largest monument, Bajra Sandi, is taking shape among new attractions for a the Denpasar city tour. Fifteen years in the making, the monument-or rather a temple-depicts aspects of Balinese history since the island was first inhabited by early man, the upright-walking pithecanthropus erectus.Officially christened as Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali-the Monument of Balinese Struggle-Bajra Sandi was built on open land with the nearest building 100 meters distance.