佔地兩公頃的巴里島鳥園(Bali Burung Bird Park)位於登巴薩東北方(Batu bulan)。園內有上千個熱帶鳥群,250多種珍奇鳥類。步道就在小小的熱帶雨林中穿梭,隨處可見荷花和睡蓮靜臥水塘,這是一片令人陶醉的美景。園中還有一個小型餐廳,可供遊客在這休息。
Bali Bird Park and Reptile Park located at stone carving village (Batubulan village).
First opened in October 1995, the Park is the realization of a life-long dream and ambition.
With more than 1.000 birds of over 250 different species housed within lush tropical gardens, the Park is renowned for its dedication to perfection and has already become one of Bali's most visited destinations. Bird collection such as Birds of paradise, Green Peafowl (Pavomuticus), Asian Pied Horn bill (Antbracocerus albirostris),
The Javan Kingfisher (Halyon cyanoventris), Bali Starling (Leucopsar rot) ... Etc