
Oct 5, 2011

Munduk Waterfall Munduk 瀑布

Fennie [ Malaysia - 馬來西亞 ]

Fennie [ Malaysia - 馬來西亞 ]

Munduk是個鄉村的名字 , Melanting瀑布位在Munduk鄉村地區裡,
所以Melanting瀑布也被叫成Munduk 瀑布,位在 Munduk村的東方在Banjar地區 在 Singaraja市,從登巴薩約 2個半小時。Munduk瀑布高約 25米,位於中間的咖啡園,路途也會經過當的可可園和丁香森林。走路大約400米。 

Munduk or Melanting Waterfalls approximately 25 meters high is located in the middle of the coffee and clove forest in the end east of Munduk village district of Banjar ± 42 km south of Singaraja City and about 2 and half hours drive from Denpasar. 

Munduk Waterfall also rich in other potential such as coffee plantations and clove and fruit crops like citrus and flower plantations, rice fields, with its nice weather, crossing the local people cloves,
coffee and cocoa garden, walking down around 400m from the main street,
 this exotic place is favorite destination to the tourists who love trekking.