
Oct 3, 2011

Lovina Dolphin Watching Tour 羅維納觀賞海豚

Dolphin Watching Tour & Sunrise 羅維納觀 賞 海 豚與日出
Sunrise in Lovina

Fennie [ Malaysia -馬來西亞 ]
Fennie and husband [ Malaysia -馬來西亞 ]
Fennie's husband  [ Malaysia -馬來西亞 ]
在Lovina看海豚,還可以順便欣賞巴里島的日出 。要看海豚的觀光客必須租一條小船 ,
船上可載4個人 。想在Lovina看海豚的話 ,最好住在Lovina , 因為看海豚的時間是早上6點 ~ 8點 ,可以看到最漂亮的日出時間是6:15 。

Dolphin watching in Lovina , we also can enjoy the beautiful sunrise .To see the dolphins in Lovina , we better stay in Lovina ,because the time to see the dolphins at 6 to 8 am.We can be able to see the most beautiful sunrise at 6:15 . If you live in Kuta to Lovina to see the dolphins , we must depart at 02.00 / 02.30.